Articles and documents prepared by the RPI specialists

ICRP, ICRU, IAEA, WHO publications
  1. Assessing Public Exposure and Environmental Impacts due to Radioactive Discharges from Facilities and Activities, IAEA Safety Report Series (2025, in publication)
  2. Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. Appendix II. A/79/46. Seventy-first session UN General Assembly. United Nations (2024)
  3. Attribution of Radiation Health Effects and Inference of Radiation Risks: Considerations for Application of the IAEA Safety Standards, IAEA Safety Report Series No 122 (2023)
  4. Remediation Strategy and Process for Areas Affected by Past Activities or Events, IAEA Safety Standards Series No GSG-15 (2022)
  5. Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides: Part 5. ICRP Publication 151 (2022) with OIR Electronic Annex Distribution Set
  6. Case Study on Assessment of Radiological Environmental Impact from Normal Operation, IAEA-TECDOC-1996 (2022)
  7. Harmonization and Intercomparison of Models for Accidental Tritium Releases to the Atmosphere, Report of Working Group 7, Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments (MODARIA) Programme, IAEA-TECDOC-1991 (2022)
  8. Radiation Protection of Wildlife: Modelling the Exposure and Effects, Joint Summary Report of Working Groups 8 and 9 (MODARIA I) and Working Group 5 (MODARIA II), IAEA-TECDOC-1986 (2021)
  9. Assessment of Radioactive Contamination in Urban Areas, Report of Working Group 9 of the IAEA’s Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety (EMRAS II) Programme, IAEA-TECDOC-1941 (2021)
  10. Case Study on Assessment of Radiological Environmental Impact from Potential Exposure, IAEA-TECDOC-1914 (2020)
  11. Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides: Part 4. ICRP Publication 141 (2019)
  12. Regulatory Control of Radioactive Discharges to the Environment, IAEA Safety Standards Series No GSG-9 (2018)
  13. Radiation Monitoring for Protection of the Public after Major Releases of Radionuclides to the Environment, ICRU Report 92 (2018)
  14. Radiation Protection of the Public and the Environment, IAEA Safety Standards Series No GSG-8 (2018)
  15. Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides: Part 3. ICRP Publication 137 (2017)
  16. Performance of Models in Radiological Impact Assessment for Normal Operation, Report of Working Group 1 of the IAEA’s Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety (EMRAS II) Programme, IAEA-TECDOC-1808 (2017)
  17. Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides: Part 2. ICRP Publication 134 (2016)
  18. Environmental Change in Post-Closure Safety Assessment of Solid Radioactive Waste Repositories, Report of Working Group 3 of the IAEA’s Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety (EMRAS II) Programme, IAEA-TECDOC-1799 (2016)
  19. Determining the suitability of materials for disposal at sea under the London Convention 1972 and London Protocol 1996: a radiological assessment procedure, IAEA-TECDOC-1759 (2015)
  20. Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides: Part 1. ICRP Publication 130 (2015)
  21. Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources. International Basic Safety Standards. General Safety Requirements Part 3 (2014)
  22. Transfer of Tritium in the Environment after Accidental Releases from Nuclear Facilities, Report of Working Group 7 of the IAEA’s Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety (EMRAS II) Programme, IAEA-TECDOC-1738 (2014)
  23. Environmental sensitivity in nuclear emergencies in rural and semi-natural environments: report of Working Group 8, environmental sensitivity of EMRAS II topical heading approaches for assessing emergency situations, IAEA-TECDOC-1719 (2013)
  24. Characterization of Radioactive Material and Waste after a Severe Accident. IAEA Material of the Annual Meeting of the International Network of Laboratories for Nuclear Waste Characterization (LABONET) (2013)
  25. Preliminary Dose Estimation from the Nuclear Accident after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, WHO Press (2012)
  26. Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety (EMRAS) — A Summary Report of the Results of the EMRAS Programme (2003-2007). IAEA-TECDOC-1678 (2012)
  27. Database for Dose Coefficients: Doses to Infants from Mothers’ Milk. ICRP CD3. Ver. 2.0 (2012)
  28. Programmes and Systems for Source and Environmental Radiation Monitoring. IAEA Safety Report Series No 64 (2010)
  29. Handbook of Parameter Values for the Prediction of Radionuclide Transfer in Terrestrial and Freshwater Environments, IAEA Technical Report Series No 472 (2010)
  30. The 2007 Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. ICRP Publication 103 (2007)
  31. Application of the concepts of exclusion, exemption and clearance, IAEA Safety Guide No RS-G-1.7 (2004)
  32. Dose to Infants from Ingestion of Radionuclides in Mothers’ Milk. ICRP Publication 95 (2004)
  33. Radiation Legacy of the 20th Century: Environmental Restoration. IAEA-TECDOC-1280 (2002)
  34. Basic Anatomical and Physiological Data for Use in Radiological Protection: Reference Values. ICRP Publication 89 (2002)
  35. Database of Dose Coefficients: Embryo and Fetus. ICRP CD2 (2002)
  36. Database of Dose Coefficients: Workers and Members of the Public. CD-ROM. v.1&2 (2001)
  37. Doses to the Embryo and Fetus from Intakes of Radionuclides by the Mother. ICRP Publication 88 (2001)
  38. Restoration of environments affected by residues from radiological accidents: Approaches to decision making, IAEA-TECDOC-1131 (2000)
  39. Assessment of Doses to the Public from Ingested Radionuclides, IAEA Safety Report Series No 14 (1999)
  40. Intercomparison and Biokinetic Model Validation of Radionuclide Intake Assessment, IAEA-TECDOC-1071 (1999);
  41. Individual Monitoring for Internal Exposure of Workers. ICRP Publication 78 (1997)
  42. Low doses of ionizing radiation: biological effects and regulatory control, IAEA-TECDOC-975 (1997)
  43. Conversion Coefficients for Use in Radiological Protection. ICRP Publication 74 (1996)
  44. Age-Dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 5. Compilation of Ingestion and Inhalation Dose Coefficients. ICRP Publication 72 (1995)
  45. Age-Dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 4. Inhalation Dose Coefficients. ICRP Publication 71 (1995)
  46. Basic Anatomical and Physiological Data: The Skeleton. ICRP Publication 70 (1995)
  47. Age-Dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides: Part 3. Ingestion Dose Coefficients. ICRP Publication 69 (1995)
Norms, rules, standards, normative and normative-methodical documents, regulations, guidances          to the top of the page  ↑
  1. Permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Novokostyantyniv Mine to surface basins (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2024
  2. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances to the environment and for exposure doses for the category A personnel of Pivdennoukrainsk NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I) (№ RG.0.0026.0035), 2024
  3. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Khmelnytskyi NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2024
  4. Permissible atmospheric discharge and permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Khmelnytskyi NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2022
  5. Permissible atmospheric discharge of Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I) (00.РБ.XQ.Рг.04-21), 2021
  6. Permissible liquid discharge of Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I) (00.РБ.XQ.Рг.05-21), 2021
  7. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge and for exposure doses for the category A personnel of Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I) (00.РБ.XQ.Рг.07-21), 2021
  8. Permissible atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances of South Ukraine NPP to the environment (radiation-hygienic rules of group I) (RG.0.0026.0159), 2021
  9. The establishment of the boundaries of the zone for special industrial use. Radiological protection criteria, 2019
  10. Radiation-dosimetric passportization of settlements of the territory of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the ChNPP accident, 2019
  11. Instructions on radiation safety of Zaporizhzhya NPP (00.VN.IN.10-19), 2019
  12. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances to the environment and for exposure doses for the category A personnel of South Ukraine NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2019
  13. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Khmelnytskyi NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2019
  14. Permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2019
  15. Permissible atmospheric discharge of radioactive substances of Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2019
  16. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2019
  17. Control levels of radiation-dangerous factors for Hydrometallurgical Plant of Eastern MPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2019
  18. Control levels of radiation-dangerous factors for Ingul Mine of Eastern MPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2018
  19. Ensuring radiation safety. Methods of carrying out individual dosimetric monitoring of external and internal exposure of personnel in emergency conditions (SOU NAEK 163:2018), the standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2018
  20. Ensuring radiation safety. Methods of dose planning for personnel involved in emergency response (SOU NAEK 161:2018), the standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2018
  21. Control levels of radiation-dangerous factors for Smolinsk Mine of Eastern MPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2018
  22. Ensuring radiation safety and protection of human health from exposure by radioactive substances when using wood fuel by enterprises in the near zone of the Chernobyl NPP. Guidance, 2017
  23. Radiation safety improvement program for Zaporizhzhya NPP (00.RB.00.PM.24-16), 2017
  24. Ensuring radiation safety. Dosimetric monitoring. Assessment of the effective dose of external exposure to personnel of nuclear power plants. Guidance (SOU NAEK 115:2016), standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2016
  25. Ensuring radiation safety. Radiation criteria for the classification of emergencies at NPPs (SOU NAEK 112:2016), the standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2016
  26. Ensuring radiation safety. Methods of assessing the extent and significance of emergency atmospheric and liquid releases of nuclear power plants to the environment. General requirements (SOU NAEK 110:2016), the standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2016
  27. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances and for exposure doses for the category A personnel of Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I) (00.RB.XQ.Rg.07-16), 2016
  28. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances to the environment and for exposure doses for the category A personnel of South Ukraine NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I) (№ RG.0.0026.0035), 2016
  29. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I) (132‑2016‑KR‑ZRB), 2016
  30. Ensuring radiation safety. Dosimetric monitoring. Coefficients used to calculate the effective dose of internal exposure (SOU NAEK 106:2015), the standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2015
  31. Ensuring radiation safety. Dosimetric monitoring. Assessment of the effective dose of internal exposure of NPP personnel on the basis of bioassay measurements. Guidance (SOU NAEK 105:2015), standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2015
  32. Control levels of radiation-dangerous factors на Smolinsk Mine Eastern MPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2015
  33. Control levels of radiation-dangerous factors на Ingul Mine Eastern MPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2014
  34. Ensuring radiation safety. The procedure for establishing the size of the sanitary protection zone of an NPP (SOU NAEK 023:2014), standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2014
  35. Regulations on radiation safety and radiological protection on the territory of the zone of special radiation hazard of Chornobyl NPP (sanitary protection zone of ChNPP), 2014
  36. Permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Chornobyl NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2014
  37. Permissible atmospheric discharge of radioactive substances of Chornobyl NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2014
  38. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Khmelnytskyi NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2014
  39. Control levels for radiation parameters at nuclear plants (radiation-hygienic rules of group I). Rules for establishing (SOU NAEK 025:2013), the standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2013
  40. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances to the environment and for exposure doses for the category A personnel of South Ukraine NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2013
  41. Integrated dosimetric passportization and results of the WBC monitoring of settlements of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination after the Chornobyl accident. Data for 2012 (Collection 15), 2013
  42. Control levels for atmospheric and liquid discharge Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2013
  43. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances and for exposure doses for the category A personnel of Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2013
  44. Permissible atmospheric discharge and permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Khmelnytskyi NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2013
  45. Permissible atmospheric discharge Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2013
  46. Permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2012
  47. Integrated dosimetric passportization and results of the WBC monitoring of settlements of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination after the Chornobyl accident. Data for 2011 (Collection 14), 2012
  48. Permissible liquid discharge for East-Ore Ltd (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2012
  49. Control levels of radiation-dangerous factors for Hydrometallurgical Plant of Eastern MPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2012
  50. Sanitary Compliance Report. Dry storage of spent nuclear fuel (HOYaT-2) of the Chernobyl NPP. Construction completion project, 2012
  51. Permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2012
  52. Permissible atmospheric discharge of radioactive substances of Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2012
  53. Criteria by which activity on the use of ionizing radiation sources is exempted from licensing, 2011
  54. Requirements for determining the size and boundaries of the observation area of a nuclear power plant, 2011
  55. Sanitary Compliance Report. Creation of a facility for RAW reprocessing at Zaporizhzhya NPP, 2011
  56. Sanitary Compliance Report. The building for the processing of low-level waste of and storage for solid RAW. Radioactive waste processing facility of Rivne NPP, 2011
  57. Guidelines for the organization and carrying out of individual dosimetric monitoring at NPPs (SOU‑N YaEK 1.029:2011), Normative document of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry, 2011
  58. Control levels of radiation-dangerous factors for Smolinsk Mine of Eastern MPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2010
  59. Control levels of radiation-dangerous factors for Ingul Mine of Eastern MPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2010
  60. Procedure for clearance of radioactive materials from regulatory control within the practice, 2010
  61. Hygienic norms “Exemption of radioactive materials from regulatory control”, 2010
  62. Permissible atmospheric discharge and control levels for the Eastern MPP facilities (Hydrometallurgical Plant and Shcherbakivska gully), 2009
  63. Sanitary Compliance Report. Dry storage of spent nuclear fuel of Zaporizhzhya NPP, 2009
  64. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances to the environment and for exposure doses for the category A personnel of South Ukraine NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2009
  65. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2009
  66. Integrated dosimetric passportization and results of the WBC monitoring of settlements of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination after the Chornobyl accident. Summarized data for 2008 (Collection 13), 2009
  67. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances and for exposure doses for the category A personnel of Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2009
  68. Methods of determining the radiation criteria for the classification of emergencies at NPPs (STP 0.03.079-2009), the standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2009
  69. Permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2009
  70. Methods of assessing the extent and significance of emergency atmospheric releases of ChNPP to the environment, 2008
  71. Methods of performing individual dosimetric monitoring of external and internal exposure of personnel in radiation emergency conditions at ChNPP, 2008
  72. Methods of dose planning for personnel involved in radiation emergency response at ChNPP, 2008
  73. Methods of determining the effective dose of external exposure. Guidance of the Chornobyl NPP, 2008
  74. Levels for restricted clearance for ChNPP site and materials from regulatory control (radiation and hygienic criteria for the end state of ChNPP industrial site during decommissioning), 2008
  75. Integrated dosimetric passportization and results of the WBC monitoring of settlements of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination after the Chornobyl accident. Summarized data for 2007 (Collection 12), 2008
  76. Control levels of radiation-dangerous factors for Hydrometallurgical Plant of Eastern MPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2008
  77. Permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of South Ukraine NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2008
  78. Regulation of radiation monitoring for Rivne NPP (132-1-R-RB), 2007
  79. Sanitary Compliance Report. Temporary storage of solid waste of group III and LILL RAW in the storage of liquid and solid RAW. Industrial complex for the processing of solid RAW of ChNPP, 2007
  80. Individual monitoring of internal exposure of personnel involved in work at the Shelter object. Guidelines, 2007
  81. Permissible atmospheric discharge South Ukraine NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2007
  82. Integrated dosimetric passportization and results of the WBC monitoring of settlements of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination after the Chornobyl accident. Summarized data for 2005 2006 (Collection 11), 2007
  83. Rules and conditions for the exemption of radioactive waste placed in near-surface storage facilities from the regulatory control, 2007
  84. Criteria for radiation monitoring of emergency conditions of Chornobyl NPP, 2007
  85. Assessment of the effective dose of internal exposure of NPP personnel on the basis of bioassay measurements. Guidance (STP 0.03.064-2007), standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2007
  86. Methods of assessing the extent and significance of emergency atmospheric and liquid releases of nuclear power plants to the environment. General requirements (STP 0.20.061‑2007), the standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2007
  87. Monitoring of internal doses of Rivne NPP personnel. Guidance, 2006
  88. Monitoring of doses of critical groups of the population of the Rivne NPP supervision zone (during routine atmospheric and liquid discharge). Guidance, 2006
  89. Methods of carrying out individual dosimetric monitoring of external and internal exposure of personnel in emergency conditions. General requirements (STP 0.20.063-2006), the standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2006
  90. Methods of dose planning for personnel involved in emergency response. General requirements (STP 0.20.062‑2006), the standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2006
  91. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances to the environment and for exposure doses for the category A personnel of South Ukraine NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2006
  92. Permissible levels of 137Cs and 90Sr activity concentration in foodstuff and drinking water, 2006
  93. Explanations for the New Safe Confinement (NSC) Sanitary Compliance Report structure and contents, 2006
  94. Instructions on radiation safety of Rivne NPP (132-1-E-RB), 2006
  95. Permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2006
  96. Permissible atmospheric discharge of radioactive substances of Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2005
  97. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2005
  98. Design criteria for restricting potential exposure for a new safe confinement, 2005
  99. Design permissible levels for a new safe confinement, 2005
  100. Integrated dosimetric passportization of settlements of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination after the Chornobyl accident. Summarized data for 2001 2004 (Collection 10), 2005
  101. Basic Sanitary Rules for Radiation Safety of Ukraine (OSPU), 2005
  102. Industry regulatory document of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine “Regulation of radiation monitoring for power units with WWER reactors. Typical content” (GND, 2004
  103. Classification of soils and other materials generated during earthwork in the framework of the Shelter implementation plan, 2004
  104. Permissible atmospheric discharge of radioactive substances of Chornobyl NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2004
  105. Permissible liquid discharge of Chornobyl NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2004
  106. Criteria for radiation monitoring of emergency conditions of Shelter Object of Chornobyl NPP, 2004
  107. Sanitary rules for radiation safety during the execution and design of work at the Shelter object (SPRB-OU) (STP 3.014-2004), the standard of Chornobyl NPP, 2004
  108. Permissible atmospheric discharge of radioactive substances of Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2004
  109. Permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2004
  110. The procedure for calculating the doses of normal and potential exposure of the personnel during the planning and design of work at the Shelter Object, 2004
  111. Report on the analysis of the dosimetric situation as a result of the impact of the beyond design basis event of a tornado of class 3.0 on a new safe confinement designed for a tornado of class 1.5, 2003
  112. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances and for exposure doses for the category A personnel of Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2003
  113. Control levels of radionuclides concentration in the water of the cooling pond and in the control section of the Southern Bug River (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2003
  114. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances to the environment and for exposure doses for the category A personnel of South Ukraine NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2003
  115. The structure and content of the Sanitary Compliance Report for work projects at the Shelter object (radiation-hygienic rules), 2003
  116. The procedure for establishing permissible levels for liquid and atmospheric discharges of Ukrainian NPPs (radiation-hygienic rules of group I). Guidance, 2002
  117. Control levels for radiation parameters at nuclear plants (radiation-hygienic rules of group I). General rules for establishing. Guidance (STP 0.26.040-2002), standard of NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2002
  118. Monitoring of internal doses of the personnel of Rivne NPP. Guidance, 2002
  119. Permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2001
  120. Control levels for the liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Rivne NPP (KU-S-2001) (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2001
  121. Permissible concentrations of radionuclides in the air of rooms in the controlled zone of Rivne NPP, 2001
  122. Methods for determining the effective dose of external gamma exposure. Guidance of the Shelter Object of the Chornobyl NPP, 2001
  123. Integrated dosimetric passportization of settlements of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination after the Chornobyl accident. Summarized data for 1998, 1999 and 2000 (Collection 9), 2001
  124. Permissible atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Khmelnytskyi NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2001
  125. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Khmelnytskyi NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2001
  126. Norms of Radiation Safety of Ukraine; supplement: Radiation protection from the sources of potential exposure (NRBU-97/D-2000), 2000
  127. Control levels for the atmospheric and liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Rivne NPP (KU-V-2000) (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2000
  128. Permissible atmospheric discharge of radioactive substances of Rivne NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2000
  129. Integrated dosimetric passportization of settlements of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination after the Chornobyl accident. Summarized data for 1998 and 1999 (Collection 8), 2000
  130. Permissible atmospheric discharge and control levels for the atmospheric discharge of radioactive substances of South Ukraine NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 2000
  131. Methods for assessing the doses of internal exposure for the Shelter Object personnel (based on the results of operational control). Guidance, 2000
  132. Permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of Zaporizhzhya NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 1998
  133. Retrospectively predicted doses to the population and Integrated dosimetric passportization in 1997 of settlements of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the Chornobyl accident (Collection 7), 1998
  134. Permissible liquid discharge of radioactive substances of South Ukraine NPP (radiation-hygienic rules of group I), 1998
  135. Permissible atmospheric discharge of radioactive substances of Zaporizhzhya NPP, 1997 (radiation-hygienic rules of group I)
  136. Norms of Radiation Safety of Ukraine (NRBU-97), 1997
  137. Integrated dosimetric passportization of settlements of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination after the Chornobyl accident (Collection 6), 1997
  138. Reconstruction and prediction of doses to the population living in the territories of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the ChNPP accident (Methodology-97), 1997
  139. Radiation-dosimetric passportization of settlements of the territory of Ukraine exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the ChNPP accident, including thyroid dosimetric passportization (Methodology-96), 1996
  140. Methodical recommendations for measurements using whole body counters during dosimetric passportization of settlements of Ukraine, 1995
Articles, reports, abstracts          to the top of the page  ↑
  1. Changes induced in the human respiratory tract by chronic cigarette smoking can reduce the dose to the lungs from exposure to radon progeny. E.H.da Silva, E.Davesne, Y.Bonchuk, G.Ratia, B.Madas, V.Berkovsky, D.Broggio. Journal of Radiological Protection, 2023
  2. Zoning of radioactively contaminated territories after the Chornobyl accident. V.O.Kashparov, D.M.Holiaka, S.E.Levchuk, V.B.Berkovskyy. Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy. – 2022. – Vol.23, issue 3. – p.182-194
  3. Reference methodologies and datasets for dose assessments in emergency exposure situations. V.Berkovskyy, J.Harrison, L.Bertelli, E.Blanchardon, B.Breusted, D.Gregoratto, A.Francois, J.Hunt, H.Kim, C.Koch, M.A.López, J.Marsh, D.Melo, G.Ratia, K.Tani, M.Tanigaki, A.Ulanowski. 6th International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection, 7-10 November 2022, Vancouver, Canada. Programme and Book of Abstracts. – 2022
  4. Protection of people and the environment following radiation emergencies and malicious events. A.F.Nisbet, V.Berkovskyy, Y.Billarand, P.Bryant, B.Buddemeier, C.Li, J.Mosser, C.Rojas-Palma, S.Takahara. 6th International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection, 7-10 November 2022, Vancouver, Canada. Programme and Book of Abstracts. – 2022
  5. Influence of chronic smoking on the dose due to radon exposure. E.H.da Silva, D.Broggio, V.Berkovskyy, Yu.Bonchuk, B.Madas, G.Ratia. European Radiation Protection Week 2022, 9-14 October 2022, Estoril, Portugal. Programme and Book of Abstracts. – 2022. – p.O1.3
  6. Current approaches for assessment of the impact of radioactive discharges to the environment: Update of IAEA safety report series 19. J.Brown, T.Yankovich, V.Berkovskyy, K.Thiessen, Y.Bonchuk, N.A.Beresford, J.Brown. 5th International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity, 4-9 September 2022, Oslo, Norway. – 2022.
  7. Bounding uncertainties around the conceptual representation of species in radiological assessment in the context of routine atmospheric release. B.Charrasse, J.C.Mora, T.Anderson, Yu.Bonchuk, D.Telleria. Journal of Radiological Protection, Vol.42, No.2, 2022
  8. Results of WBC-monitoring of firefighters participating in response to Chornobyl forest fires in April–May 2020. D.A.Bazyka, P.A.Fedirko, V.V.Vasylenko, O.O.Kolosynska, Z.S.Yaroshenko, M.S.Kuriata, M.S.Kramarenko, G.M.Zadorozhna, V.B.Berkovskyy, G.G.Ratia, N.I.Iskra. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2020. – Vol.25. – p.177-187
  9. Comprehensive radiological and hygienic monitoring of particular settlements of Kyiv region in 2019. V.V.Vasylenko, G.M.Zadorozhna, M.S.Kuriata, L.O.Lytvynetz, D.V.Novak, N.I.Iskra, L.P.Mischenko. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2020. – Vol.25. – p.188-203
  10. Improvements in individual dose measurement techniques following nuclear emergencies. M.A.López, V.Berkovskyy, G.Ratia, C.Challeton-de-Vathaire, E.Davesne, J.Eakins, D.Franck, A.Giussani, D.Gregoratto, C.Hernandez, U.Kulka, A.Mafodda, J.W.Marsh, J.F.Navarro, U.Oestreicher, B.Pérez, I.Sierra, C.Woda. Radioprotection, Vol.55, 2020, S89–S93
  11. On the use of reference areas for prospective dose assessments on populations of wildlife for planned atmospheric discharges around nuclear installations. J.C.Mora, V.Amado, F.Manso, B.Charrasse, J.Smith, A.T.K.Ikonen, B.Zorko, Yu.Bonchuk, E.Leclerc, C.Boyer, T.Anderson, A.Anderson, P.Carný, D.M.Telleria. Environmental Research, Vol.182, 2020
  12. A Robust Methodology for Assessing Thyroid Absorbed Doses Based on Individual Monitoring Data after a Severe Nuclear Accident. V.Berkovskyy, G.Ratia, Y.Bonchuk, T.Vrba, D.Gregoratto, D.Broggio, P.Teles, M.Antonia Lopez. Radiation Measurements, Vol.129, 2019
  13. A survey on emergency thyroid monitoring strategies and capacities in Europe and comparison with international recommendations. O.M.Gil, M.Youngman, P.Vaz, P.Angus, P.Battisti, V.Berkovskyy, Yu.Bonchuk, D.Broggio, K.Brudecki, K.Dąbrowski, Groot, P.Fojtík, D.Franck, A.Jaworska, F.Jourquin, N.Jug, J.K.Kónyi, G.Krajewska, A.L.Lebacq, M.Leenders, M.Lepasson, M.A.Lopez, I.Malátova, J.O.Martins, O.Meisenberg, J.Ośko, T.Pázmándi, M.S.Peace, P.Rosário, P.Solný, M.Stenström, O.Stoyanov, M.L.Tormo, A.Urboniene, Z.Vagfoldi, V.Vasilenko, P.Willens, P.Zagyvai. Radiation Measurements, Vol.128, 2019
  14. Child and adult thyroid monitoring after a reactor accident (CAThyMARA): Technical recommendations and remaining gaps. D.Broggio, S.Baudé, A.Belchior, V.Berkovskyy, Y.Bonchuk, J.Dewoghélaëre, G.Etherington, P.Fojtík, D.Franck, J.M.Gomez-Ros, D.Gregoratto, J.Helebrant, G.H.Dubreuil, J.Hůlka, M.Isaksson, A.Kocsonya, A.-L.Lebacq, I.Likhtarev, P.Lombardo, M.A.Lopez, I.Malátová, J.W.Marsh, I.Mitu, O.M.Gil, M.Moraleda, J.F.Navarro, J.Ośko, A.Pántya, T.Pázmándi, B.Perez, V.Pospisil, G.Ratia, M.-A.Saizu, P.Szántó, P.Teles, K.Tymińska, F.Vanhavere, P.Vaz, T.Vrba, I.Vu, M.Youngman, P.Zagyvai. Radiation Measurements, Vol.128, 2019
  15. Assessment from in vivo measurements of thyroid dose due to iodine-131 inhalation when stable iodine has been administered. D.Broggio, P.Teles, T.Vrba, V.Berkovskyy. Radiation Measurements, Vol.127, 2019
  16. Age-dependent calibration factors for in-vivo monitoring of 131I in thyroid using Monte Carlo simulations. J.M.Gómez-Ros, M.Moraleda, P.Teles, K.Tymińska, M.A.Saizu, D.Gregoratto, P.Lombardo, V.Berkovsky, G.Ratia, D.Broggio. Radiation Measurements, Vol.125, 2019, p.96-105
  17. Does the use of reference organisms in radiological impact assessments provide adequate protection of all the species within an environment?. B.Charrasse, A.Anderson, J.C.Mora, J.Smith, E.Cohenny, A.T.K.Ikonen, V.Kangasniemi, B.Zorko, Yu.Bonchuk, L.Beaumelle, N.Gunawardena, V.Amado, L.Liptak, E.Leclerc, D.Telleria. Science of The Total Environment. Vol.658, 2019, p.189-198
  18. Evaluation of main foodstuffs consumption by residents of particular settlements on radiologically contaminated territories of Ukraine. V.V.Vasylenko, G.M.Zadorozhna, M.S.Kuriata, L.O.Lytvynets, D.V.Novak, L.P.Mishchenko. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2019. – Vol.24. – p.93-108
  19. Reforming of public health system: the role and place of health care facilities of the tertiary level in radiation emergencies in martial law. D.A.Bazyka, K.M.Loganovsky, O.O.Petrychenko, V.B.Berkovskyy. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2018. – Vol.23. – p.21-36
  20. Individual radiological monitoring after major releases of radionuclides to the environment. V.Berkovski, G.Ratia, Yu.Bonchuk. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2018. – Vol.23. – p.37-48
  21. Results of WBC measurements were made at radioactively contaminated territories of Ukraine in 1986–2014 (revision and analysis). V.V.Vasylenko, S.V.Masiuk, О.М.Ivanova, V.O.Pikta, Z.N.Boiko, М.І.Chepurny, V.B.Buderatska, G.M.Zadorozhna, L.O.Lytvynets, M.S.Kramarenko, G.V.Fedosenko, A.G.Kukush, M.S.Kuriata, N.S.Zhadan, T.F.Babenko. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2018. – Vol.23. – p.120-138
  22. Results of comprehensive radiological & hygienic monitoring in some settlements of radiologically contaminated areas in Rivne region in 2017. V.V.Vasylenko, S.Yu.Nechaev, M.Ya.Tsigankov, V.O.Pikta, G.M.Zadorozhna, M.S.Kuriata, L.O.Lytvynetz, L.P.Mischenko, T.F.Babenko. – 2018. – Vol.23. – p.139-152
  23. Methodology of reconstruction of individualized exposure doses for persons residing at radioactively contaminated territories of Ukraine. О.М.Ivanova, L.M.Kovgan, S.V.Masiuk. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2018. – Vol.23. – p.164-187
  24. Harmonisation of standards for permissible radionuclide activity concentrations in foodstuffs in the long term after the Chernobyl accident. M.Balonov, V.Kashparov, A.Nikolaenko, V.Berkovskyy, S.Fesenko. Journal of Radiological Protection, Vol.38, No.2, 2018
  25. Quantifying exposure of plants and animals to radiation: a new methodology. N.Beresford, J.Brown, Yu.Bonchuk, H.Phillips, K.Thiessen, A.Ulanowski, T.Yankovich. In: 3rd European Radiological Protection Research Week, Rovinj-Rovingo, Croatia, 1-5 Oct 2018
  26. Comparative Histopathologic Analysis of “Radiogenic” and “Sporadic” Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: Patients Born before and after the Chernobyl Accident. T.I.Bogdanova, V.A.Saenko, A.V.Brenner, L.Yu.Zurnadzhy, T.I.Rogounovitch, I.A.Likhtarov, S.V.Masiuk, L.M.Kovgan, V.M.Shpak, G.A.Thomas, S.J.Chanock, K.Mabuchi, M.D.Tronko, S.Yamashita. Thyroid. 2018 Jul;28(7):880-890
  27. CAThyMARA report: Technical guidelines for radioiodine in thyroid monitoring. G.Etherington, J.Marsh, D.Gregoratto, M.Youngman, D.Franck, A.L.Lebacq, M.Isaksson, J.Ośko, J.M.Gómez-Ros, M.A.Lopez, P.Fotjik, I.Malatova, P.Zagyvai, O.Monteiro Gil, P.Teles, P.Vaz, M.A.Saizu, T.Vrba, V.Berkovskyy, G.Ratia, Y.Bonchuk, D.Broggio. OPERRA Deliverable D5.31, 2017. 76 p.
  28. CAThyMARA report: Demonstration software, if relevant, for dose calculations in case of nuclear crisis. T.Vrba, V.Berkovsky, V.Pospisil, I.Bonchuk, I.Likhtariov, G.Ratia, M.A.Lopez, P.Teles, G.Etherington, P.Zagyvai, D.Broggio. OPERRA Deliverable D5.29, 2017. 8 p.
  29. CAThyMARA report: Report of WP6 about dose assessment tools and associated demonstration software. T.Vrba, V.Berkovskyy, G.Ratia, Y.Bonchuk, D.Broggio, P.Teles, D.Gregoratto, M.A.Lopez. OPERRA Deliverable D5.28, 2017. 97 p.
  30. Reconstruction of individualized doses of subjects from the Ukrainian State Register – of Persons that Affected due to Chornobyl accident and reside in Korosten raion of Zhytomyr oblast. О.М.Ivanova, S.V.Masiuk, Z.N.Boiko, М.І.Chepurny, V.B.Gerasymenko, G.V.Fedosenko, V.V.Vasylenko, L.O.Lytvynets, V.O.Pikta, L.М.Kovgan, N.S.Zhadan, S.О.Tereshchenko, І.G.Kravchenko, G.І.Коrtushin, О.D.Marcenjuk, A.G.Kukush. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2017. – Vol.22. – p.126-146
  31. Long-term programme of biophysical monitoring of the personnel involved in the construction of the NSC. V.Berkovskyy, Iu.Bonchuk, G.Ratia, M.Tsygankov, V.Vasylenko, V.Sakhno, T.Volkerniuk, S.Gorbachov. Problems of nuclear power plants’ safety and of Chornobyl. – 2017. – Vol.29. – p.50–55
  32. Neonatal outcomes following exposure in utero to fallout from Chernobyl. M.Hatch, M.P.Little, A.V.Brenner, E.K.Cahoon, V.Tereshchenko, L.Chaikovska, I.Pasteur, I.Likhtarov, A.Bouville, V.Shpak, O.Bolshova, G.Zamotayeva, K.Grantz, L.Sun, K.Mabuchi, P.Albert, M.Tronko. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2017;32(12):1075-1088
  33. Radiation Risk Estimation: Based on Measurement Error Models. S.Masiuk, A.Kukush, S.Shklyar, M.Chepurny, I.Likhtarov. De Gruyter Series in Mathematics and Life Sciences. 2017;5
  34. Sanitary protective zones of NPPs, radiation and hygienic requirements for their assignment. Yu.V.Bonchuk. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2016. – Vol.21. – p.91-105
  35. Experimental reconstruction of historical WBC-measuring procedure in 1986. V.V.Vasynenko, O.M.Ivanova, L.O.Lytvynets, V.O.Pikta, G.M.Zadorozhna, M.I.Chepurnyi, I.A.Likhtariov. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2016. – Vol.21. – p.119-131
  36. Gene signature of the post-Chernobyl papillary thyroid cancer. D.Handkiewicz-Junak, M.Swierniak, D.Rusinek, M.Oczko-Wojciechowska, G.Dom, C.Maenhaut, K.Unger, V.Detours, T.Bogdanova, G.Thomas, I.Likhtarov, R.Jaksik, M.Kowalska, E.Chmielik, M.Jarzab, A.Swierniak, B.Jarzab. European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. 2016 Jul;43(7):1267-1277
  37. Estimation of radiation risk in presence of classical additive and Berkson multiplicative errors in exposure doses. S.V.Masiuk, S.V.Shklyar, A.G.Kukush, R.J.Carroll, L.N.Kovgan, I.A.Likhtarov. Biostatistics. 2016 Jul;17(3):422–436
  38. Integrated dosimetric passportization of settlements of Ukraine and reconstruction of individualized doses of the Ukrainian State Register of persons affected by Chornobyl accident (experience, results and prospects). I.A.Likhtarev, L.M.Kovgan, O.M.Ivanova, S.V.Masiuk, M.I.Chepurny, Z.N.Boiko, V.B.Gerasymenko, S.A.Tereshchenko, G.I.Kortushin, O.D.Martseniuk, I.G.Kravchenko, I.G.Gubina. Journal of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. – 2016. – Vol.22, No 2. – p.208-221
  39. Health effects of the Chornobyl Accident – Thirty Years Aftermath / Eds. D.Bazyka, V.Sushko, A.Chumak, V.Chumak, L.Yanovych. – Kyiv: DIA, 2016. – 524 p.
  40. Thirty years of the Chernobyl disaster : radiological and medical consequences : National Report of Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2016. – 177 p.
  41. Radiation protection and health of personnel of contractors enteprises, which participated in works for transformation of Object “Shelter” of SSE Chornobyl NPP into ecologically safe system. V.O.Sushko, I.А.Likhtariov, L.O.Lyashenko, V.B.Berkovsky, K.M.Loganovskyi, S.Yu.Nechayev, L.І.Shvayko, O.О.Kolosynska, E.O.Sarkіsova, Yu.V.Bonchuck, G.A.Nezgovorova, O.M.Tatarenko. International conference “Health effects of the Chornobyl accident – 30 years aftermath” : Program and Abstracts, April 18–19 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2016. – p.147
  42. Dosimetry of internal emitters: upgrading the ICRP methodology, Chornobyl applications and further needs. V.Berkovsky, G.Ratia, Yu.Bonchuk. International conference “Health effects of the Chornobyl accident – 30 years aftermath” : Program and Abstracts, April 18–19 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2016. – p.33
  43. The zone of special radiation hazard of Chornobyl NPP: radiation and hygienic substantiation of existent sizes, current status and perspectives. Yu.Bonchuk, V.Berkovsky, H.Ratia. International conference “Health effects of the Chornobyl accident – 30 years aftermath” : Program and Abstracts, April 18–19 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2016. – p.36
  44. Current state of radiation safety and dosimetric control of internal irradiation in personnel engaged in works of the “Shelter” object transformation. S.Yu.Nechayev, I.A.Likhtariov, V.O.Sushko, V.B.Berkovsky, L.M.Kovgan, Yu.V.Bonchuk, G.G.Ratia, V.V.Vasylenko, M.Ya.Tsygankov, S.V.Masiuk, S.G.Gorbachov, Т.О.Volkernuk, V.B.Gerasymenko, V.O.Pikta. International conference “Health effects of the Chornobyl accident – 30 years aftermath” : Program and Abstracts, April 18–19 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2016. – p.109
  45. Histopathological features of papillary thyroid carcinomas detected during four screening examinations of a Ukrainian-American cohort. T.I.Bogdanova, L.Yu.Zurnadzhy, Yu..E.Nikiforov, R.J.Leeman-Neill, M.D.Tronko, S.Chanock, K.Mabuchi, I.A.Likhtarov, L.M.Kovgan, V.Drozdovitch, M.P.Little, M.Hatch, L.B.Zablotska, V.M.Shpak, R.J.McConnell, A.V.Brenner. British Journal of Cancer. 2015 Dec;113(11):1556-1564
  46. Radiation and hygienic principles for substantiation of sizes and functioning of observation areas of NPPs. Iu.V.Bonchuk. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2015. – Vol.20. – p.25-41
  47. Basic principles and practices of integrated dosimetric passportization of the settlements in Ukraine. I.A.Likhtarov, L.M.Kovgan, S.V.Masiuk, O.M.Ivanova, M.I.Chepurny, Z.N.Boyko, V.B.Gerasymenko. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2015. – Vol.20. – p.75-103
  48. Generalized results of individualized exposure doses reconstruction for the subjects of Ukrainian State Register of persons, affected due to Chornobyl accident. I.A.Likhtarov, L.M.Kovgan, S.V.Masiuk, O.M.Ivanova, M.I.Chepurny, Z.N.Boyko, V.B.Gerasymenko, S.A.Tereshchenko, I.G.Kravchenko, G.I.Kortushin, O.D.Marcenjyk, I.G.Gubina. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2015. – Vol.20. – p.104-126
  49. Maintenance of radiation protection at a drawing-board stage of the “Shelter” Object transformation into environmentally safe system. S.Yu.Nechaev. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2015. – Vol.20. – p.127-136
  50. Main internal dose-forming factors for inhabitants of contaminated regions at current phase of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident (Kyiv region as an example). V.V.Vasylenko, S.Yu.Nechaev, M.Ya.Tsigankov, G.G.Ratia, V.B.Berkovskyy, V.О.Pikta, D.I.Shpachenko, G.M.Zadorozhna, L.P.Mishhenko. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2015. – Vol.20. – p.147-156
  51. Interpretation of results of radioiodine measurements in thyroid for residents of Ukraine (1986). I.A.Likhtarov, L.M.Kovgan, M.I.Chepurny, S.V.Masiuk. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2015. – Vol.20. – p.185-203
  52. Dose-dependent expression of CLIP2 in post-Chernobyl papillary thyroid carcinomas. M.Selmansberger, J.C.Kaiser, J.Hess, D.Güthlin, I.Likhtarev, V.Shpak, M.Tronko, A.Brenner, M.Abend, M.Blettner, K.Unger, P.Jacob, H.Zitzelsberger. Carcinogenesis. Vol.36, Issue 7, July 2015, p.748–756
  53. Use of the ICRP system for the protection of marine ecosystems. D.Telleria, T.Cabianca, G.Proehl, V.Kliaus, J.Brown, C.Bossio, J.Van der Wolf, I.Bonchuk, M.Nilsen. Ann. ICRP. 2015 Jun; 44(1 Suppl): 304-312
  54. MODARIA WG5: Towards a practical guidance for including uncertainties in the results of dose assessment of routine releases.J.C.Mora, D.Telleria, A.Al Neaimi, A.M.Blixt Buhr, Iu.Bonchuk, S.Chouhan, P.Chylý, A.R.Curti, D.da Costa, J.Duran, D.Galeriu, A.-C.Hägg, R.Heling†, G.Ivanis, M.Iosjpe, P.M.Krajewski, C.Lager, L.Marang, C.Mourlon, F.F.Perez, J.Shen, F.Vermorel, A.Woodruffe, B.Zorko. 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity (ICRER), Barcelona (Spain), 2014
  55. Regulation of the radionuclide content in commodities produced in areas affected by the Chornobyl accident. V.B.Berkovskyy, G.G.Ratia, S.V.Masiuk, Yu.V.Bonchuk, V.B.Gerasimenko, P.B.Aryasov, T.V.Treskunova, N.S.Zhadan, O.M.Ivanova, Z.N.Boyko. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2014. – Vol.19. – p.26-34
  56. Individualized internal exposure doses reconstruction for the persons of Ukraine State Register: Report 1. Locally-specific models and doses of persons living in Rokytne raion of Rivne oblast, Ovruch raion of Zhytomyr oblast and Ivankiv raion of Kyiv oblast. I.A.Likhtarov, L.N.Kovgan, S.V.Masiuk, О.N.Ivanova, M.I.Chepurny, Z.N.Boyko, V.B.Gerasymenko, S.A.Tereshchenko, I.G.Kravchenko, G.I.Kortushin, O.D.Marcenjyk. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2014. – Vol.19. – p.80-101
  57. Individualized internal exposure doses reconstruction for the persons of Ukraine State Register: Report 2. Locally-specific models and doses of persons living in Kozelets and Ripky raions of Chernihiv oblast. I.A.Likhtarov, L.N.Kovgan, S.V.Masiuk, О.N.Ivanova, M.I.Chepurny, Z.N.Boyko, V.B.Gerasymenko, S.A.Tereshchenko, I.G.Kravchenko, G.I.Kortushin, O.D.Marcenjyk. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2014. – Vol.19. – p.102-125
  58. Different level of thyroid dose individualization of the Ukrainian donors in Chernobyl tissue bank. I.Likhtarov, L.Kovgan, S.Masiuk, M.Chepurny, O.Ivanova, V.Gerasymenko, M.Tronko, T.Bogdanova, G.A.Thomas. Thyroid Cancer in Ukraine after Chernobyl Dosimetry, Epidemiology, Pathology, Molecular Biology. 2014, p.19-38
  59. Comparative pathological analysis of papillary thyroid carcinoma in age-matched groups of patients born before and after Chernobyl. T.Bogdanova, V.Saenko, L.Zurnadzhy, I.Likhtarov, L.Kovgan, S.Masiuk, V.Kashcheev, V.LiVolsi, D.Williams, M.Ito, M.Mine, G.Thomas, M.Tronko, S.Yamashita. Thyroid Cancer in Ukraine after Chernobyl Dosimetry, Epidemiology, Pathology, Molecular Biology. 2014, p.109-134
  60. Thyroid Cancer Study among Ukrainian Children Exposed to Radiation after the Chornobyl Accident: Improved Estimates of the Thyroid Doses to the Cohort Members. I.Likhtarov, L.Kovgan, S.Masiuk, M.Talerko, M.Chepurny, O.Ivanova, V.Gerasymenko, Z.Boyko, P.Voillequé, V.Drozdovitch, A.Bouville. Health Physics. 2014 Mar;106(3):370-396
  61. Impact of Uncertainties in Exposure Assessment on Estimates of Thyroid Cancer Risk among Ukrainian Children and Adolescents Exposed from the Chernobyl Accident. M.Little, A.Kukush, S.Masiuk, S.Shklyar, R.Carroll, J.Lubin, D.Kwon, A.Brenner, M.Tronko, K.Mabuchi, T.Bogdanova, M.Hatch, L.Zablotska, V.Tereshchenko, E.Ostroumova, A.Bouville, V.Drozdovitch, M.Chepurny, L.Kovgan, S.Simon, V.Shpak, I.Likhtarev. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(1): e85723
  62. Way to improve the radiation hygenic monitoring on contaminated territories. A.B.Bilonyk, V.О.Buzunov, V.V.Vasylenko, V.O.Pikta. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2013. – Vol.18. – p.31-37
  63. Role of the weighting tissue factors in dose assessments. Yu.V.Bonchuk. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2013. – Vol.18. – p.38-49
  64. Peculiarities of internal radiation doses due to 137Cs and 90Sr intake in population from Zhytomyr oblast in a late period after the Chornobyl NPP accident. V.V.Vasylenko, M.Y.Tsigankov, S.Y.Nechaev, V.O.Pikta, G.M.Zadorozhna, A.B.Bilonyk. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2013. – Vol.18. – p.59-69
  65. V.A.Sushko, D.A.Bazyka, I.А.Likhtarev, L.A.Lyashenko, V.B.Berkovskiy, K.N.Loganovskiy, S.U.Nechaev, L.І.Shvayko, E.A.Sarkіsova, O.О.Kolosynska, V.D.Drozdova, Y.V.Bonchuck, P.B.Arjasov, G.A.Nezgovorova, O.M.Tatarenko. Radiation protection and health of personnel of contracting enterprises participating in works for transformation of the object “Shelter” of SSE Chornobyl NPP into an ecologically safe system. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2013. – Vol.18. – p.373-383
  66. Comparison of Transcriptomic Signature of Post-Chernobyl and Postradiotherapy Thyroid Tumors. C.Ory, N.Ugolin, P.Hofman, M.Schlumberger, I.A.Likhtarev, S.Chevillard. Thyroid. Vol.23, No 11, Nov 2013, p.1390-1400
  67. Reconstruction of individual thyroid doses to the Ukrainian subjects enrolled in the Chernobyl Tissue Bank. I.Likhtarov, G.Thomas, L.Kovgan, S.Masiuk, M.Chepurny, O.Ivanova, V.Gerasymenko, M.Tronko, T.Bogdanova, A.Bouville. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.156, Issue 4, October 2013, p.407–423
  68. Error estimation for direct measurements in May-June 1986 of 131I radioactivity in thyroid gland of children and adolescents and their registration in risk analysis. I.Likhtarov, S.Masiuk, M.Chepurny, A.Kukush, S.Shklyar, A.Bouville, L.Kovgan. Mathematics and Life Sciences. 2013, p.231-244
  69. The sensitivity of different environments to radioactive contamination. B.L.Tracy, F.Carini, S.Barabash, V.Berkovskyy, J.E.Brittain, S.Chouhan, G.Eleftheriou, M.Iosjpe, L.Monte, M.Psaltaki, J.Shen, J.Tschiersch, C.Turcanu. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol.122, 2013, p.1-8
  70. 137Cs content in edible mushrooms of the Transcarpathian region. O.O.Parlag, V.T.Maslyuk, I.S.Potoki, P.B.Aryasov, O.I.Kokhanyuk. Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy. – 2013. – Vol.14, No.1. – p.86-90
  71. Estimating Thyroid Masses for Children, Infants, and Fetuses in Ukraine Exposed to 131I from the Chernobyl Accident. I.Likhtarov, L.Kovgan, S.Masiuk, M.Chepurny, O.Ivanova, V.Gerasymenko, Z.Boyko, P.Voillequé, Y.Antipkin, S.Lutsenko, V.Oleynik, V.Kravchenko, M.Tronko. Health Physics. 2013 Jan;104(1):78-86
  72. Application of biophysical measurements for the organization of individual monitoring for internal exposure during mining and processing of uranium ore. Yu.V.Bonchuk. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2012. – Vol.17. – p.19-26
  73. The study of peculiarities of internal irradiation doses forming for population in contaminated regions long-term after ChNPP accident due to 137Cs, 90Sr intake (with Rivno oblast as an example). V.V.Vasylenko, M.Y.Tsygankov, S.Y.Nechaev, V.O.Pikta, G.M.Zadorojna. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2012. – Vol.17. – p.27-25
  74. Environmental sensitivity as a tool for the risk assessment of the use of nuclear energy. F.Carini, S.Barabash, V.Berkovskyy, J.E.Brittain, S.Chouhan, G.Eleftheriou, M.Iosjpe, L.Monte, M.Psaltaki, J.Shen, B.Tracy, J.Tschiersch, C.Turcanu. Proceedings of 6th SETAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, Vol.1, May 2012
  75. Measurements of Uranium Radionuclides in Urine Samples and Assessment of Internal Doses in Uranium-Mining Industry in Ukraine. I.Bonchuk, I.Likhtarov, M.Tsygankov. Proceedings of 13th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 13−18 May 2012, Glasgow, UK
  76. Thyroid cancer in Ukraine after the Chernobyl accident (in the framework of the Ukraine–US Thyroid Project). M.Tronko, K.Mabuchi, T.Bogdanova, M.Hatch, I.Likhtarev, A.Bouville, V.Oliynik, R.McConnell, V.Shpak, L.Zablotska, V.Tereshchenko, A.Brenner, G.Zamotayeva. Journal of Radiological Protection. 2012 Mar;32(1):N65-9
  77. Estimation of the thyroid doses for Ukrainian children exposed in utero after the Chernobyl accident. I.Likhtarov, L.Kovgan, M.Chepurny, O.Ivanova, Z.Boyko, G.Ratia, S.Masiuk, V.Gerasymenko, V.Drozdovitch, V.Berkovski, M.Hatch, A.Brenner, N.Luckyanov, P.Voillequé, A.Bouville. Health Physics, Jun 2011, 100(6):583-593
  78. Public exposure formed by atmospheric discharges of nuclear power plants in Ukraine. I.Bonchuk. Proceedings of International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity Environment & Nuclear Renaissance 2011 (ICRER 2011), June 19−24, Hamilton, Canada. – Radioprotection. – 2011. Vol.46, Number 6. – S309-S314
  79. Assessing emergency situations and their aftermath in urban areas: The EMRAS II Urban Areas Working Group. K.M.Thiessen, K.G.Andersson, V.Berkovskyy, T.W.Charnock, S.L.Chouhan, With, J.Ďúran, V.Fuka, J.Helebrant, J.Hůlka, W.T.Hwang, P.Kuča, F.Mancini, E.Navarro, R.Periáñez, Z.Prouza, G.Sdouz, J.Tomás, D.Trifunović, L.Urso, H.Walter. Proceedings of International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity Environment & Nuclear Renaissance 2011 (ICRER 2011), June 19−24, Hamilton, Canada. – Radioprotection. – 2011. Vol.46, Number 6. – S601-S607
  80. Reference methodologies for radioactive controlled discharges an activity within the IAEA’s program environmental modelling for radiation safety II (EMRAS II). T.J.Stocki, D.M.Telleria, L.Bergman, G.Proehl, V.Amado, I.Bonchuk, P.Boyer, P.Chyly, A.Curti, R.Heling, V.Kliaus, P.Krajewski, G.Latouche, D.C.Lauria, C.Mourlon, L.Newsome, L.Sági, J.Smith. Proceedings of International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity Environment & Nuclear Renaissance 2011(ICRER 2011), June 19−24, Hamilton, Canada. – Radioprotection. – 2011. Vol.46, Number 6. – S687–S693
  81. Twenty-five Years after Chornobyl Accident: Safety for the Future: National Report of Ukraine. – Кyiv, 2011. – 328 p.
  82. Individual monitoring of internal exposure at the Shelter Object. I.Bonchuk, I.Likhtarev, V.Berkovski. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. Vol.144, Issue 1-4, March 2011, p.367-370
  83. Methods for Estimation of Radiation Risk in Epidemiological Studies Accounting for Classical and Berkson Errors in Doses. A.Kukush, S.Shklyar, S.Masiuk, I.Likhtarov, L.Kovgan, R.J.Carroll, A.Bouville. The international journal of biostatistics. 2011 Jan; 7(1):15
  84. State analysis and modernization ways of individual dosimetric control of internal exposure of personnel of category A at Ukrainian NPPs. Iu.V.Bonchuk, G.G.Ratia. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2010. – Vol.15. – p.38-49
  85. Optimization of the currently-working dosimetric mass monitoring system and design of the advanced one using WBC for population in the contaminated regions. V.V.Vasilenko, О.N.Perevoznikov, S.Y.Nechaev, N.F.Rubel, L.А.Litvinets, G.M.Zadorozhnaya, V.A.Pikta. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2010. – Vol.15. – p.50-57
  86. Condition of the radiation and health protection of the personnel of the contractor organization involved into the works on transformation of the ChNPP Object “Shelter into ecologically safe system (on the results of the created clinical-dosimetric register. V.G.Bebeshko, V.O.Sushko, I.A.Likhtarev, D.A.Bazyka, К.М.Loganovsky, L.O.Liashenko, S.Yu.Nechaev, Yu.V.Bonchuk, P.B.Aryasov, L.I.Shvayko, E.O.Sarkisova. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2010. – Vol.15. – p.127-144
  87. System for the Prognosis of the Population Doses due to Emergency Atmospheric Release from Nuclear Power Plants. Iu.Bonchuk, N.Talerko. Proceedings of Third European IRPA Congress 2010 June 14−18, Helsinki, Finland. – 2010. – p.1626-1635
  88. Validation of 131I ecological transfer models and thyroid dose assessments using Chernobyl fallout data from the Plavsk district, Russia. I.Zvonova, P.Krajewski, V.Berkovsky, M.Ammann, C.Duffa, V.Filistovic, T.Homma, B.Kanyar, T.Nedveckaite, S.L.Simon, O.Vlasov, D.Webbe-Wood. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol.101, Issue 1, January 2010, p.8-15
  89. Thyroid Cancer in Ukraine After the Chernobyl Accident: Incidence, Pathology, Treatment, and Molecular Biology. M.Tronko, T.Bogdanova, I.Likhtarev, I.Komisarenko, A.Kovalenko, V.Markov, V.Tereshchenko, L.Voskoboynyk, L.Zurnadzhy, V.Shpak, L.Gulak, R.Elisei, C.Romei, A.Pinchera. Radiation Health Risk Sciences. 2009, p.305-316
  90. Software system for analysis of dosimetric situation after emergency atmospheric release of NPP in Ukraine. Iu.V.Bonchuk, М.М.Talerko, G.G.Kuzmenko. Problems of nuclear power plants’ safety and of Chornobyl. – 2009.– Vol.12. – p.30-39
  91. Dosimetry, radioepidemiological and rehabilitation problems at the late stage of the Chernobyl accident. I.A.Likhtarov. Radiation Hygiene. 2009;2(1):20-26
  92. Prognosys and analysis of dosimetric situation after emergency atmospheric release of NPP in Ukraine. Iu.Bonchuk, G.Ratia. Radiation Hygiene. 2009;2(1):27-31
  93. Ensuring of radiation protection during works on transformation of the Object Shelter into ecologically safe system. Biophysical monitoring of the personnel internal exposure doses. S.Y.Nechaev, I.A.Likhtarev, V.B.Berkovski, L.N.Kovgan, Y.V.Bonchuk, G.G.Ratia, P.B.Aryasov. Radiation Hygiene. 2009;2(1):32-35
  94. Mass many years WBC-monitoring of Ukrainian inhabitants involved in Chernobyl NPP accident. O.M.Perevoznikov, V.V.Vasylenko, L.A.Litvinetz, G.N.Yakovleva. Radiation Hygiene. 2009;2(2):40-47
  95. Support system for the dosimetric interpretation of the internal exposure. G.G.Ratia, Y.V.Bonchuk. Radiation Hygiene. 2009;2(2):48-52
  96. The experience of general dosimetry pasportization of the territories affected by the intensive Chernobyl fallout in Ukraine. L.N.Kovgan, L.A.Likhtarov, O.N.Perevoznikov. Radiation Hygiene. 2009;2(3):32-37
  97. Peculiarities of dosimetric situation formation after emergency release from “Shelter” object. Iu.V.Bonchuk, G.G.Ratia. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2009. – Vol.14. – p.23-28
  98. Bioassay measurements interpretation methods of the object “Shelter” personnel. G.G.Ratia, Iu.V.Bonchuk. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2009.– Vol.14. – p.29-34
  99. Radiation-hygienic problems of the radiation safety ensuring for the personnel involved into works on transformation of the object “Shelter” into ecologically safe system. S.Iu.Nechaev. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2009.– Vol.14. – p.35-39
  100. Radiation protection and health of the contractor companies workers performing transformation of the Chornobyl NPP Shelter object into the ecologically safe system, based on the clinical and dosimetric registry. V.G.Bebeshko, D.A.Bazyka, V.O.Sushko, I.A.Likhtarev, L.O.Lyashenko, K.M.Loganovsky, S.Yu.Nechayev, E.V.Sarkisova. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2009.– Vol.14. – p.40-57
  101. Discharges during normal operation of nuclear power plants and public exposure. Yu.V.Bonchuk, G.G.Ratia, A.V.Kashparov. Nuclear and radiation safety. – 2009. – №1. – p.12-17
  102. Radioecological assessments of the Iodine working group of IAEA’s EMRAS programme: Presentation of input data and analysis of results of the Prague scenario. M.Bartusková, I.Malátová, V.Berkovskyy, P.Krajewski, M.Ammann, V.Filistovic, T.Homma, J.Horyna, B.Kanyár, T.Nedveckaite, O.Vlasov, I.Zvonova. Radioprotection, 2009, Vol.44, No 5, p.295-299
  103. Subclinical Hypothyroidism after Radioiodine Exposure: Ukrainian–American Cohort Study of Thyroid Cancer and Other Thyroid Diseases after the Chornobyl Accident (1998–2000). E.Ostroumova, A.Brenner, V.Oliynyk, R.McConnell, J.Robbins, G.Terekhova, L.Zablotska, I.Likhtarev, A.Bouville, V.Shpak, V.Markov, I.Masnyk, E.Ron, M.Tronko, M.Hatch. Environmental health perspectives. Vol.117, Issue 5, May 2009, p.745-750
  104. A Screening Study of Thyroid Cancer and Other Thyroid Diseases among Individuals Exposed in Utero to Iodine-131 from Chernobyl Fallout. M.Hatch, A.Brenner, T.Bogdanova, A.Derevyanko, N.Kuptsova, I.Likhtarev, A.Bouville, V.Tereshchenko, L.Kovgan, V.Shpak, E.Ostroumova, E.Greenebaum, L.Zablotska, E.Ron, M.Tronko. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Vol.94, Issue 3, March 2009, p.899–906
  105. System for the Prognosis of the Population Doses due to Emergency Atmospheric Release of Nuclear Power Plants. Yu.Bonchuk. INSINUME (In-situ Nuclear Metrology as a tool for Radioecology) conference. Book of Abstracts // Rabat, Morocco. – 2008. – p.160
  106. Radiological and Hygienic Regulation of Liquid and Gaseous Discharges of Nuclear Power Plants in Ukraine. Y.Bonchuk, H.Ratia. INSINUME (In-situ Nuclear Metrology as a tool for Radioecology) conference. Book of Abstracts // Rabat, Morocco. – 2008. – p.63
  107. International Safety Standards for the Radiation Protection of the Public and Environment. V.Berkovskyy, D.Telleria, L.Jova Sed, D.Louvat. INSINUME (In-situ Nuclear Metrology as a tool for Radioecology) conference. Book of Abstracts // Rabat, Morocco. – 2008. – p.19
  108. A Cohort Study of Thyroid Cancer and Other Thyroid Diseases after the Chornobyl Accident: Dose-Response Analysis of Thyroid Follicular Adenomas Detected during First Screening in Ukraine (1998–2000). L.B.Zablotska, T.I.Bogdanova, E.Ron, O.V.Epstein, J.Robbins, I.A.Likhtarev, M.Hatch, V.V.Markov, A.C.Bouville, V.A.Olijnyk, R.J.McConnell, V.M.Shpak, A.Brenner, G.N.Terekhova, E.Greenebaum, V.P.Tereshchenko, D.J.Fink, A.B.Brill, G.A.Zamotayeva, I.J.Masnyk, G.R.Howe, M.D.Tronko. American Journal of Epidemiology. Vol.167, Issue 3, February 2008, p.305-312
  109. The work of the CONRAD task group 5.2: research studies on biokinetic models. D.Noßke, V.Berkovski, A.Birchall, E.Blanchardon, M.C.Cantone, K.Davis, A.Giussani, A.Luciani, J.Marsh, U.Oeh, H.Ratia, M.A.Lopez. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.127, Issue 1-4, November 2007, p.93–96
  110. A structured approach for the assessment of internal dose: the IDEAS guidelines. H.Doerfel, A.Andrasi, M.Bailey, V.Berkovski, E.Blanchardon, C.-M.Castellani, R.Cruz-Suarez, C.Hurtgen, B.LeGuen, I.Malatova, J.Marsh, J.Stather, J.Zeger. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.127, Issue 1-4, November 2007, p.303–310
  111. Coordination of Research on Internal Dosimetry in Europe: the Conrad Project. M.A.Lopez, G.Etherington, C.M.Castellani, D.Franck, C.Hurtgen, J.W.Marsh, D.Nosske, H.Doerfel, A.Andrasi, M. Bailey, I.Balashazy, P.Battisti, P.Berard, V.Berkowski, A.Birchall, E.Blanchardon, Y.Bonchuk, Carlan, M.C.Cantone, C.Challeton-de Vathaire, R.Cruz Suarez, K.Davis, D.Dorrian, A.Giussani, B.Le Guen, A.Hodgson, J.R.Jourdain, V.Koukouliou, A.Luciani, I.Malatova, A.Molokanov, M.Moraleda, M.Muikku, U.Oeh, M.Puncher, T.Rahola, H.Ratia, N.Stradling. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.127, Issue 1-4, November 2007, p.311-316
  112. Application of IDEAS guidelines: the IDEAS/IAEA intercomparison exercise on internal dose assessment. C.Hurtgen, A.Andrasi, M.R.Bailey, A.Birchall, E.Blanchardon, V.Berkovski, C.M.Castellani, R.Cruz-Suarez, K.Davis, H.Doerfel, B.LeGuen, I.Malatova, J.Marsh, J.Zeger. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.127, Issue 1-4, November 2007, p.317–320
  113. Design and Operation of the Internal Dosimetry Program for the Chornobyl ‘Shelter Implementation Plan’. I.Likhtarev, V.Berkovski, L.Kovgan, N.Tcygankov, G.Ratia, Y.Bonchuk, S.Nechaev, O.Perevoznikov, P.Ariasov, V.Vasilenko, N.Rubel, I.Kairo, S.Gorbachev, T.Volkernuk, V.Sushko. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.127, Issue 1-4, November 2007, p.321-324
  114. Evaluation of Scattering Factor Values for Internal Dose Assessment Following the IDEAS Guidelines: Preliminary Results. J.W.Marsh, E.Blanchardon, C.M.Castellani, A.D.Desai, M D.Dorrian, C.Hurtgen, V.Koukouliou, M.A.Lopez, A.Luciani, M.Puncher, A.Andrasi, M.R.Bailey, V.Berkovski, A.Birchall, Y.Bonchuk, H.Doerfel, I.Malatova, A.Molokanov, H.Ratia. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.127, Issue 1-4, November 2007, p.339-342
  115. Contribution of internal exposures to the radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident. M.I.Balonov, L.R.Anspaugh, A.Bouville, I.A.Likhtarev. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.127, Issue 1-4, November 2007, p.491–496
  116. Radiation dosimetry for highly contaminated Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian populations, and for less contaminated populations in Europe. A.Bouville, I.A.Likhtarev, L.N.Kovgan, V.F.Minenko, S.M.Shinkarev, V.V.Drozdovitch. Health Physics. 2007 Nov;93(5):487-501
  117. Aerosol monitoring during work inside the “Object Shelter”: Analysis of dispersion and concentration for different work types. P.Aryasov, S.Nechaev, N.Tsygankov, A.Dmitrienko. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Vol.444–445, October 2007, p.483-485
  118. General guidelines for the assessment of internal dose from monitoring data: progress of the IDEAS project. H.Doerfel, A.Andrasi, M.Bailey, E.Blanchardon, R.Cruz-Suarez, V.Berkovski, C.-M.Castellani, C.Hurtgen, B.LeGuen, I.Malatova, J.Marsh, J.Stather, J.Zeger. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.125, Issue 1-4, July 2007, p.19–22
  119. IMIE Computer Codes: 10 y in the Internal Dosimetry. V.Berkovski, G.Ratia, Y.Bonchuk. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.125, Issue 1-4, July 2007, p.205–208
  120. IDEAS internal contamination database: a compilation of published internal contamination cases. A tool for the internal dosimetry community. C.Hurtgen, A.Andrasi, M.Bailey, E.Blanchardon, V.Berkovski, C.-M.Castellani, H.Doerfel, J.-R.Jourdain, B.LeGuen, I.Malatova, J.Marsh, M.Puncher. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.125, Issue 1-4, July 2007, p.520–522
  121. Population Dose Estimate Due to Aquatic Pathways. V.Berkovskiy, O.Voitsekhovich. Chernobyl – What Have We Learned?. Environmental Pollution, Vol 12. Springer, Dordrecht. 2007. p.87-107
  122. Особливості забезпечення радіаційної безпеки під час виконання робіт на об’єкті «Укриття» за планом здійснення заходів. С.Ю.Нечаєв, І.А.Ліхтарьов, Л.М.Ковган, Ю.В.Бончук, Г.Г.Ратіа, П.Б.Арясов. Тези доповідей міжнародної науково-практичної конф. «Епідеміологія медичних наслідків аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС. 20 років по тому» // Видавництво «Вебер». – Донецьк. – 2007. – p.15-16
  123. Некоторые особенности формирования доз облучения при аварийных выбросах из объекта “Укрытие”. Ю.В.Бончук. Тези доповідей міжнародної науково-практичної конф. «Епідеміологія медичних наслідків аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС. 20 років по тому» // Видавництво «Вебер». – Донецьк. – 2007. – p.18-19
  124. Проблемы организации дозиметрического контроля внутреннего облучения персонала на объекте “Укрытие”. Ю.В.Бончук, Г.Г.Ратиа. Тези доповідей міжнародної науково-практичної конф. «Епідеміологія медичних наслідків аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС. 20 років по тому» // Видавництво «Вебер». – Донецьк. – 2007. – p.19-20
  125. Неопределенности при оценках доз внутреннего облучения персонала объекта “Укрытие”. Г.Г.Ратиа, Ю.В.Бончук. Тези доповідей міжнародної науково-практичної конф. «Епідеміологія медичних наслідків аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС. 20 років по тому» // Видавництво «Вебер». – Донецьк. – 2007. – p.20-21
  126. Методы интерпретации биофизических измерений персонала объекта “Укрытие”. Г.Г.Ратиа, Ю.В.Бончук. Тези доповідей міжнародної науково-практичної конф. «Епідеміологія медичних наслідків аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС. 20 років по тому» // Видавництво «Вебер». – Донецьк. – 2007. – p.21-22
  127. Thyroid gland and radiation (fundamental and applied aspects): 20 years after the Chernobyl accident. M.Tronko, T.Bogdanova, I.Likhtarev, I.Komisarenko, A.Kovalenko, O.Epshtein, V.Tereshchenko, V.Shpak, L.Gulak. International Congress Series. Vol.1299, February 2007, p.46-53
  128. Autoimmune Thyroiditis and Exposure to Iodine 131 in the Ukrainian Cohort Study of Thyroid Cancer and Other Thyroid Diseases after the Chornobyl Accident: Results from the First Screening Cycle (1998–2000). M.D.Tronko, A.V.Brenner, V.A.Olijnyk, J.Robbins, O.V.Epstein, R.J.McConnell, T.I.Bogdanova, D.J.Fink, I.A.Likhtarev, J.H.Lubin, V.V.Markov, A.C.Bouville, G.M.Terekhova, L.B.Zablotska, V.M.Shpak, A.B.Brill, V.P.Tereshchenko, I.J.Masnyk, E.Ron, M.Hatch, G.R.Howe. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Vol.91, Issue 11, November 2006, p.4344–4351
  129. Specific of the implementation of radiation safety during works on Shelter Implementation Plan at the object “Shelter”. Implementation of internal exposure doses biophysical control. S.Yu.Nechaev, I.A.Likhtarev, L.N.Kovgan, Yu.V.Bonchuk, G.G.Ratia, P.B.Aryasov. Тези доповіді, V міжнародний виставковий форум “Технології захисту – 2006: технології протипожежної безпеки, засоби захисту та рятування”, 11-14 жовтня 2006 р., Київ. – Київ: ТОВ “Міжнародний виставковий центр”. – p.250–256
  130. Post-Chornobyl Thyroid Cancers in Ukraine. Report 2: Risk Analysis. I.Likhtarov, L.Kovgan, S.Vavilov, M.Chepurny, E.Ron, J.Lubin, A.Bouville, N.Tronko, T.Bogdanova, L.Gulak, L.Zablotska, G.Howe. Radiation Research, 166(2), August 2006, p.375-386
  131. Breast Cancer in Belarus and Ukraine After the Chernobyl Accident. E.Pukkala, A.Kesminiene, S.Poliakov, A.Ryzhov, V.Drozdovitch, L.Kovgan, P.Kyyrönen, I.Malakhova, L.Gulak, E.Cardis. International Journal of Cancer, 2006 Aug;119(3):651-658
  132. Questionnaire- and Measurement-Based Individual Thyroid Doses in Ukraine Resulting from the Chornobyl Nuclear Reactor Accident . I.Likhtarev, A.Bouville, L.Kovgan, N.Luckyanov, P.Voillequé, M.Chepurny. Radiation Research, 166(1), July 2006, p.271-286
  133. A Cohort Study of Thyroid Cancer and Other Thyroid Diseases after the Chornobyl Accident: Thyroid Cancer in Ukraine Detected During First Screening. M.D.Tronko, G.R.Howe, T.I.Bogdanova, A.C.Bouville, O.V.Epstein, A.B.Brill, I.A.Likhtarev, D.J.Fink, V.V.Markov, E.Greenebaum, V.A.Olijnyk, I.J.Masnyk, V.M.Shpak, R.J.McConnell, V.P.Tereshchenko, J.Robbins, O.V.Zvinchuk, L.B.Zablotska, M.Hatch, N.K.Luckyanov, E.Ron, T.L.Thomas, P.G.Voillequé, G.W.Beebe. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Vol.98, Issue 13, July 2006, p.897-903
  134. 20 years after Chornobyl Catastrophe. Future outlook: National Report of Ukraine. – Кyiv, 2006. – 216 p.
  135. Program of medical and biophysical control of personnel, which take part in works for transformation of Object Shelter of ChNPP into safe system. V.Bebeshko, V.Sushko, I.Likhtarev, D.Bazyka, К.Loganovsky, L.Liashenko S.Nechaev, E.Sarkisova, Yu.Bonchuk, L.Shvayko. The International Conference «Twenty Years after Chornobyl Accident. Future Outlook». Kyiv, Ukraine, April 24-26, 2006, Contributed Papers. – Kyiv: Innovation Publishing Centre “HOLTECH”, 2006. – T1 – 2. – p.19–24
  136. Main open safety issues for the conceptual design of the new safe ‘confinement for the ChNPP “Shelter” object and paths of their solution. D. Bachner, V.Berkovskiy, V.Bonchuk, V.Vasilchenko, E.Kadkin, V.Кirichenko, O.Kolesnikov, S.Kondratiev, I.Likhtarev, A. Oraevskiy, D.Ryzhov, V.Sklyarenko, A.Tregub, O.Shugaylo. Nuclear and radiation safety. – 2006. – №1. – p.14-27
  137. Some peculiarities and results of retrospective dosimetry of Chernobyl exposure of Ukrainian population in 1986. I.Likhtarev, L.Kovgan, Yu.Bonchuk, G.Ratia, Z.Boyko, V.Gerasimenko, O.Ivanova, S.Masyuk. Nuclear and radiation safety. – 2006. – №1. – p.79-90
  138. General guidelines for the assessment of internal dose from monitoring data (project IDEAS). H.Doerfel, A.Andrasi, I.Aubineau-Lanièce, M.Bailey, V.Berkovski, E.Blanchardon, C.-M.Castellani, C.Hurtgen, J.-R.Jourdain, B.Le Guen, I.Málátova, J.Marsh, M.Puncher. Radioprotection 2005, Vol.40, No 1, p.47-55
  139. Thyroid exposure of Belarusian and Ukrainian children due to the Chernobyl Accident and Resulting Thyroid Cancer Risk. Final report of BfS project StSch 4240. P.Jacob, J.Kenigsberg, I.Likhtarev, M.Tronko, S.Shinkarev, R.Meckbach, Y.Demidchik, L.Kovgan, T.Bogdanova, A.Ulanovski, Y.Gavrilin, E.Buglova, S.Vavilov, C.Schotola, J.Kruk, M.Chepurniy, G.Pröhl. GSF-Forschungszentrum, 2005, 555 p.
  140. Postchernobyl thyroid cancer in Ukraine: background and radiation-induced cases. I.Likhtarev, L.Kovgan, S.Vavilov. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Radiation and Risk, 2005, p.112-139
  141. Three-level system of thyroid dose reconstruction for the Ukrainian population due to the Chernobyl accident. L.Kovgan, I.Likhtarov, M.Chepurny. Environment and health. – 2005. – Vol.1, Issue 32. – p.39-43
  142. Post-Chornobyl Thyroid Cancers in Ukraine. Report 1: Estimation of Thyroid Doses. I.Likhtarov, L.Kovgan, S.Vavilov, M.Chepurny, A.Bouville, N.Luckyanov, P.Jacob, P.Voillequé, G.Voigt. Radiation Research, 163(2), February 2005, p.125-136
  143. Radiological and hygienic regulation of an atmospheric release of Ukrainian nuclear power plants. V.Berkovski, Y.Bonchuk, G.Ratia, L.Blyznukova. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2004.– Vol.10. – p.70-75
  144. Chernobyl-oriented system of environmental-dosimetric models and integrated assessments of radiation doses to the population of Ukraine as a result of the Chernobyl accident (1986-2000). L.Kovgan, I.Likhtarov. Nucler and radiation safety. – 2004. – Vol.7, Issue 3. – p.13-25
  145. A Cohort Study of Thyroid Cancer and Other Thyroid Diseases after the Chornobyl Accident: Objectives, Design and Methods. V.Stezhko, E.Buglova, L.Danilova, V.Drozd, N.Krysenko, N.Lesnikova, V.Minenko, V.Ostapenko, S.Petrenko, O.Polyanskaya, V.Rzheutski, M.Tronko, O.Bobylyova, T.Bogdanova, O.Ephstein, I.Kairo, O.Kostin, I.Likhtarev, V.Markov, V.Oliynik, V.Shpak, V.Tereshchenko, G.Zamotayeva, G.Beebe, A.Bouville, A.Brill, J.Burch, D.Fink, E.Greenebaum, G.Howe, N.Luckyanov, I.Masnyk, R.McConnell, J.Robbins, T.Thomas, P.Voillequé, L.Zablotska. Radiation Research, 161(4), April 2004, p.481-492
  146. Comparison of retrospective luminescence dosimetry with computational modeling in two highly contaminated settlements downwind of the Chernobyl NPP. I.K.Bailiff, V.F.Stepanenko, H.Y.Göksu, L.Bøtter-Jensen, L.Brodski, V.Chumak, V.Correcher, A.Delgado, V.Golikov, H.Jungner, L.G.Khamidova, T.V.Kolizshenkov, I.Likhtarev, R.Meckbach, S.A.Petrov, S.Sholom. Health Physics. 2004 Jan;86(1):25-41
  147. New statistical approaches to an establishment of the radiological-hygienic rules on NPP of Ukraine. V.Berkovski, Y.Bonchuk, G.Ratia. Problems of radiation medicine and radiobiology. – 2003. – Vol.9. – p.8-11
  148. Thyroid gland and radiation (Ukrainian-American Thyroid Project). M.D.Tronko, O.O.Bobylyova, T.I.Bogdanova, O.V.Epshtein, I.A.Likhtaryov, V.V.Markov, V.A.Oliynyk, V.P.Tereshchenko, V.M.Shpak, G.Beebe, A.Bouville, A.Brill, D.Burch, D.Fink, E.Greenebaum, G.Howe, N.Luckyanov, I.Masnyk, R.McConnell, J.Robbins, T.Thomas, P.Voillequé. International Congress Series, Vol.1258, November 2003, p.91-104
  149. Dosimetry of radioiodine for embryo and fetus. V.Berkovski, K.F.Eckerman, A.W.Phipps, D.Noßke. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.105, Issue 1-4, July 2003, p.265–268
  150. Review of methods and computer codes for interpretation of bioassay data. E.Ansoborlo, P.Bérard, K.Eckermann, V.Berkovski, A.Birchall, F.Fry, R.Guilmette, G.Miller, N.Ishigure, J.Lipsztein, D.Nosske. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.105, Issue 1-4, July 2003, p.341–346
  151. ‘Dose per unit content’ functions: A robust tool for the interpretation of bioassay data. V.Berkovski, Y.Bonchuk, G.Ratia. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.105, Issue 1-4, July 2003, p.399–402
  152. Lessons learned from interlaboratory comparisons of bioassay data interpretation. H.Doerfel, A.Andrasi, M.Bailey, V.Berkovski, C.-M.Castellani, C.Hurtgen, J.-R.Jourdain, B.LeGuen. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.105, Issue 1-4, July 2003, p.427–432
  153. Uncertainties in thyroid dose reconstruction after Chernobyl. I.Likhtarev, V.Minenko, V.Khrouch, A.Bouville. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.105, Issue 1-4, July 2003, p.601–608
  154. Guidance on internal dose assessments from monitoring data (Project IDEAS). H.Doerfel, A.Andrasi, M.Bailey, V.Berkovski, C.-M.Castellani, C.Hurtgen, J.-R.Jourdain, B.LeGuen. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.105, Issue 1-4, July 2003, p.645–647
  155. Current Status of Internal Dosimetry Methods and Radiological Regulations in Korea, Ukraine and European Community. Tae Young Lee, Jong Il Lee, V.Berkovski. Journal of Radiation Protection, 2003; Vol.28, No.1, p.65-73
  156. New Iodine Models Family for Simulation of Short-Term Biokinetics Processes, Pregnancy and Lactation. V.Berkovski. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, Vol.23 Issue 3_suppl1, 2002, p.87-94
  157. Chernobyl Accident: Retrospective and Prospective Estimates of External Dose of the Population of Ukraine. I.A.Likhtarev, L.N.Kovgan, P.Jacob, L.R.Anspaugh. Health Physics. 2002 May;82(5):669-679
  158. Summary of the 15-year observation of thyroid cancer among Ukrainian children after the Chernobyl accident. N.D.Tronko, T.I.Bogdanova, I.A.Likhtarev, I.A.Kairo, V.I.Shpak. International Congress Series, Vol.1234, May 2002, p.77–83
  159. Movement of radionuclides in terrestrial ecosystems by physical processes. L.R.Anspaugh, S.L.Simon, K.I.Gordeev, I.A.Likhtarev, R.M.Maxwell, S.M. Shinkarev. Health Physics. 2002 May;82(5):669-679
  160. Summary of the 15-year observation of thyroid cancer among Ukrainian children after the Chernobyl accident. N.D.Tronko, T.I.Bogdanova, I.A.Likhtarev, I.A.Kairo, V.I.Shpak. International Congress Series, Vol.1234, May 2002, p.77–83
  161. Chernobyl Accident: Retrospective and Prospective Estimates of External Dose of the Population of Ukraine. I.A.Likhtarev, L.N.Kovgan, P.Jacob, L.R.Anspaugh. Health Physics. 2002 Mar;82(3):290-303
  162. A Consistent Radionuclide Vector after the Chernobyl Accident. K.Mück, G.Pröhl, I.Likhtarev, L.Kovgan, R.Meckbach, V.Golikov. Health Physics. 2002 Feb;82(2):141-156
  163. Reconstruction of the ingestion doses received by the population evacuated from the settlements in the 30-km zone around the Chernobyl reactor. G.Pröhl, K.Mück, I.Likhtarev, L.Kovgan, V.Golikov. Health Physics. 2002 Feb;82(2):173-181
  164. Thyroid cancer in children and adolescents in Ukraine exposed due to the Chernobyl accident (fifteen years of research experience). N.D.Tronko, T.I.Bogdanova, E.V.Epshtein, V.A.Oleinik, I.V.Komissarenko, S.I.Rybakov, A.E.Kovalenko, V.P.Tereshchenko, I.A.Likhtarev, I.A.Kairo, V.M.Shpak, N.I.Chepurnoi. International Journal of Radiation Medicine. – 2002. – Vol.4, Issue 1-4. – p.222-323
  165. Total external and internal exposure of the Ukrainian population for 15 years after the Chernobyl accident and risk prediction. L.N.Kovgan. International Journal of Radiation Medicine. – 2002. – Vol.4, Issue 1-4
  166. The problem of limiting and individualizing internal irradiation when radiological parameters are not sufficiently established (on the example of the object “Shelter”). Ukrainian radiological journal. – 2002. – Vol.X, Issue 4. – с.399-408
  167. Remediation strategies for rural territories contaminated by the Chernobyl accident. P.Jacob, S.Fesenko, S.K.Firsakova, I.A.Likhtarev, C.Schotola, R.M.Alexakhin, Y.M.Zhuchenko, L.Kovgan, N.I.Sanzharova, V.Ageyets. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol.56, Issues 1–2, 2001, p.51-76
  168. Analysis of Aerosol Distribution Inside the Object “Shelter” at the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor Site. O.A.Bondarenko, P.B.Aryasov, D.V.Melnichuk, S.Y.Medvedev. Health Physics. 2001 Aug;81(2):114-123
  169. Risks in conditions of normal radiation-nuclear technologies and in radiation accidents. I.Likhtarev, L.Kovgan, V.Demin. Social risks and social safety in natural and man-made emergencies and disasters. – 2001. – p.193-240
  170. 15 years after Chornobyl Catastrophe. National Report of Ukraine. – 2001. – 144 p
  171. Internal exposure from the ingestion of foods contaminated by 137Cs after the Chernobyl accident–report 2. Ingestion doses of the rural population of Ukraine up to 12 y after the accident (1986-1997). I.A.Likhtarev, L.N.Kovgan, S.E.Vavilov, O.N.Perevoznikov, L.N.Litvinets, L.R.Anspaugh, P.Jacob, G.Pröhl. Health Physics. Oct 2000;79(4):341-357
  172. Reconstruction of the doses to the population evacuated from the 30 km-zone around the Chernobyl reactor. G.Pröhl, R.Meckbach, K.Mueck, I.Likhtarev, L.Kovgan, V.Chumak, V.Golikov. 2000, 75 p.
  173. Application of the Internal Dosimetry Support System for Interpretation of In Vivo and Bioassay Measurements. V.Berkovski. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.89, Issue 3-4, July 2000, p.271–274
  174. Validation of biokinetic models for strontium. Analysis of the Techa River and Chernobyl data. E.I.Tolstykh, M.O.Degteva, V.P.Kozheurov, V.S.Repin, N.Y.Novak, V.Berkovski, D.Nosske. Proceedings of 10th International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA-10), Hiroshima (Japan), 14-19 May 2000
  175. Low Level Measurement of Plutonium Content in Bioassay Using SSNTD Alpha-Spectrometry. O.A.Bondarenko, Yu.N.Onishchuk, A.V.Berezhnoy, P.B.Aryasov, D.Antonyuk. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol.243, Issue 2, 2000, p.555–558
  176. Application of SSNTD for maintenance of radiation and nuclear safety of the Sarcophagus. O.A.Bondarenko, A.A.Korneev, Yu.N.Onishchuk, A.V.Berezhnoy, P.BAryasov, D.Antonyuk, A.V.Dmitrienko. Radiation Measurements. Vol.30, Issue 6, December 1999, p.709-714
  177. Monitoring of Individual Doses of Populations Residing in the Territories Contaminated after Chernobyl Accident. V.V.Chumak, I.A.Likhtarev, J.V.Pavlenko. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.85, Issue 1-4, September 1999, p.137–139
  178. Radioiodine biokinetics in the mother and fetus. Part 1. Pregnant women. V.Berkovski. Radiation and thyroid cancer. Publication No. EUR 18552 EN of the European Commission. London: World Scientific Publishing, 1999:319–325
  179. Radioiodine biokinetics in the mother and fetus. Part 2. Fetus. V.Berkovski. Radiation and thyroid cancer. Publication No. EUR 18552 EN of the European Commission. London: World Scientific Publishing, 1999:327–332
  180. Thyroid exposures of children and adolescents due to the Chernobyl accident: the resulting cancer risk. I.Kairo, I.Likhtarev. Radiation. 1999
  181. Doses of internal exposure of the population due to the consumption of food contaminated with radiocaesium. I.A.Likhtarev, L.N.Kovgan. The medical consequences of the Chernobyl accident: Monograph. – 1999. – Vol.4, Issue 3. – p.16-22
  182. Internal Dosimetry Support System: Multipurpose Research Computer Code. V.Berkovski, I.Likhtarev, G.Ratia, Y.Bonchuk. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.79, Issue 1-4, October 1998, p.371-374
  183. Time-Spatial Peculiarities of Dose Formation after Inhalation of Alpha Emitters. V.Berkovski, O.Bondarenko, Y.Bonchuk, G.Ratia, Y.Onishchuk. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.79, Issue 1-4, October 1998, p.387-390
  184. Thyroid dose and thyroid cancer incidence after the Chernobyl accident: assessments for the Zhytomyr region (Ukraine). G.M.Goulko, N.I.Chepurny, P.Jacob, I.A.Kairo, I.A.Likhtarev, G.Pröhl, B.G.Sobolev. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, Vol.36, Issue 4, 1998, p.261–273
  185. Relative Importance of Inhalation and Ingestion as Sources of Uptake of 210Pb from the Environment. P.L.Salmon, V.Berkovsky, D.L.Henshaw. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.78, Issue 4, August 1998, p.279–293
  186. Chernobyl Experience in Field of Retrospective Dosimetry: Reconstruction of Doses to the Population and Liquidators Involved in the Accident. V.Chumak, I.Likhtarev, S.Shalom, R.Meckbach, V.Krjuchkov. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.77, Issue 1-2, May 1998, p.91-95
  187. Thyroid cancer incidence in the Ukraine after the Chernobyl accident: comparison with spontaneous incidences. B.Sobolev, W.F.Heidenreich, I.Kairo, P.Jacob, G.Goulko, I.Likhtarev. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, Vol.36, 1997, p.195–199
  188. Emerging technological bases for retrospective dosimetry. T.Straume, L.R.Anspaugh, J.N.Lucas, A.A.Marchetti, E.H.Haskell, I.A.Likhtarev, V.V.Chumak, A.A.Romanyukha, V.T.Khrouch, Yu.I.Gavrilin, V.F.Minenko. Stem Cells. 1997; 15(suppl 2): 183‐193
  189. Розробка системи аварійного та поточного аналізу індивідуальних та колективних доз опромінення населення. В.Б.Берковський, Г.Г.Ратіа, Ю.В.Бончук. Науково-практична конференція «Наука. Чорнобиль-96». Збірка тез. – 1997. – p.15-16
  190. Комп’ютерний інтерактивний пакет “Дози, Ризики, Контрзаходи, Аналіз” (ДРКА). І.А.Ліхтарьов, Л.М.Ковган, Р.Р.Глувчинський, С.Є.Вавілов, А.В.Панчук, А.І.Пелюх, І.А.Кайро, В.М.Шпак, М.М.Талерко. Науково-практична конференція «Наука. Чорнобиль-96». Збірка тез. – 1997. – p.17
  191. Present thoughts on the aquatic countermeasures applied to regions of the Dnieper river catchment contaminated by the 1986 Chernobyl accident. O.Voitsekhovitch, O.Nasvita, I.Los’y, V.Berkovsky. Studies in Environmental Science, Vol.68, 1997, p.75-85
  192. Pathway analysis and dose distributions. Final Report of JSP-5. P.Jacob, I.Likhtarev. European Commission. 1996. 147 p.
  193. Post-Chernobyl dose and risk assessments in Ukraine. I.A.Likhtariov, L.N.Kovgan, V.S.Repin, B.G.Sobolev. IRPA9: international congress on radiation protection. Proceedings. 1996, Vol.2
  194. Estimation of 131I thyroid doses for the evacuees from Pripjat. G.M.Goulko, V.V.Chumak, N.I.Chepurny, K.Henrichs, P.Jacob, I.A.Kairo, I.A.Likhtarev, V.S.Repin, B.G.Sobolev, G.Voigt. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, Vol.35, Issue 3, 1996, p.81–87
  195. Use of subjective and nonsubjective methodologies to evaluate lens radiation damage in exposed populations – an overview. B.V.Worgul, Yu.Kundiev, I.Likhtarev, N.Sergienko, A.Wegener, C.P.Medvedovsky. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, Vol.35, Issue 3, 1996, p.137–144
  196. Internal Doses to Ukrainian Population Using Dnieper River Water. V.Berkovskiy, G.Ratia, O.Nasvit.Health Physics. 1996. 71(1):37-44
  197. Present Concept on Water Protection and Remediation Activities for Areas Contaminated by the 1986 Chernobyl Accident. O.Voitsekhovich, B.Prister, O.Nasvit, I.Los,’ V.Berkovskiy. Health Physics. 1996 Jul;71(1):19-28
  198. Ten years after the accident at Chernobyl NPP: National report of Ukraine. – 1996
  199. Estimated Long Term Health Effects of the Chernobyl Accident. E.Cardis, L.Anspaugh, V.K.Ivanov, I.Likhtarev, K.Mabuchi, A.E.Okeanov, A.E.Prisyazjhniuk. Proc. IAEA Conf. «One Decade after Chernobyl: Summing up the Consequences of the Accident, Vienna, 8–12 April 1996», 1996, p.241–271
  200. Pathways, levels and trends of population exposure after the Chernobyl accident. M.Balonov, P.Jacob, I.Likhtarev, V.Minenko. Proceedings of the international conference ‘The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident’, Minsk (Belarus), 18-22 Mar 1996. 1996, p.235-249
  201. Exposures from external radiation and from inhalation of resuspended material. P.Jacob, P.Roth, V.Golikov, M.Balonov, V.Erkin, I.Likhtariov, E.Garger, V.Kashparov. Proceedings of the international conference ‘The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident’, Minsk (Belarus), 18-22 Mar 1996. 1996, p.251-260
  202. Exposures from Aquatic Pathways. V.Berkovskiy, O.Voitsekhovich, O.Nasvit, M.Zheleznyak, U.Sansone. Proceedings of the international conference ‘The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident’, Minsk (Belarus), 18-22 Mar 1996. p.283-294
  203. Assessing internal exposures and the efficacy of countermeasures from whole body measurements. I.Likhtarev, L.Kovgan, R.Gluvchinskiy, O.Perevoznikov, M.Morrey, L.Prossen. Proceedings of the international conference ‘The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident’, Minsk (Belarus), 18-22 Mar 1996. 1996, p.295-308
  204. Radiation risk assessment of the thyroid cancer in Ukrainian children exposed due to Chernobyl. B.Sobolev, I.Likhtarev, I.Kairo, N.Tronko, V.Oleynik, T.Bogdanova. Proceedings of the international conference ‘The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident’, Minsk (Belarus), 18-22 Mar 1996. 1996, p.741-748
  205. Results of large scale thyroid dose reconstruction in Ukraine. I.Likhtarev, B.Sobolev, I.Kairo, L.Tabachny, P.Jacob, G.Prohl, G.Goulko. Proceedings of the international conference ‘The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident’, Minsk (Belarus), 18-22 Mar 1996. 1996, p.1021-1034
  206. Internal Exposure from the Ingestion of Foods Contaminated by 137Cs after the Chernobyl Accident. Report 1. General Model: Ingestion Doses and Countermeasure Effectiveness for the adults of Rovno oblast of Ukraine. I.A.Likhtarev, L.N.Kovgan, S.E.Vavilov, R.R.Gluvchinsky, O.N.Perevoznikov, L.N.Litvinets, L.R.Anspaugh, J.R.Kercher, A.Bouville. Health Physics. 1996 Mar;70(3):297-317
  207. Exposure of different population group of Ukraine after the Chernobyl accident and main health-risk assessment. I.Likhtarev, H.G.Paretzke. Zehn Jahre nach Tschernobyl, eine Bilanz. 1996, p.69-85
  208. Transfer factors for mushrooms. P.Jacob, I.Likhtarev. Pathway analysis and dose distributions. 1996, p.63-74
  209. Effective doses due to external irradiation from the Chernobyl accident for different population groups of Ukraine. I.Likhtariov, L.Kovgan, D.Novak, S.Vavilov, P.Jacob, H.G.Paretzke. Health Physics. 1996 Jan;70(1):87-98
  210. Evaluation of the 131I thyroid-monitoring measurements performed in Ukraine during May and June of 1986. I.A.Likhtarev, G.M.Gulko, B.G.Sobolev, I.A.Kairo, G.Pröhl, P.Roth, K.Henrichs. Health Physics, Jul 1995, 69(1):6-15
  211. Thyroid cancer in the Ukraine. I.A.Likhtarev, B.G.Sobolev, I.A.Kairo, N.D.Tronko, T.I.Bogdanova, V.A.Oleinic, E.V.Epshtein, V.Beral. Nature. 1995 Jun;375(6530):365
  212. Radiological Effects after Inhalation of Highly Radioactive Fuel Particles Produced by the Chernobyl Accident. I.A.Likhtariov, V.S.Repin, O.A.Bondarenko, S.Ju.Nechaev. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol.59, Issue 4, May 1995, p.247–254
  213. Doses to the public as a result of the Chernobyl accident and their contribution to the total exposure from all sources of ionizing radiation. I.A.Likhtarev, I.P.Los, A.V.Zelensky. Chernobyl disaster. 1995, p.391-393