Development of normative and methodical documents and regulation in radiation safety

For more than 25 years, RPI specialists have been participating in the creation of the regulatory framework of Ukraine in the field of radiation protection and radiation safety. RPI specialists formed teams of authors who developed such fundamental national norms and rules as Norms of Radiation Safety of Ukraine (NRBU-97, NRBU-97/D-2000), Basic Sanitary Rules for Radiation Safety of Ukraine (OSPU-2005).

The RPI develops draft normative and methodical documents (industry-or facility-specific) in the following areas:

  • radiation safety rules for planning and performing work;
  • radiation-hygienic standards of group I (permissible and control levels);
  • organization of individual monitoring of internal and external exposure;
  • emergency preparedness and response;
  • zoning around facilities and assessment of doses to the population in these zones;
  • radiation and dosimetric passportization of Ukrainian settlements suffered from radioactive contamination as a consequence of the Chornobyl accident.

To the list of documents prepared by the RPI specialists